I would say most Mom's appreciate a homemade gift, generally speaking, but if there is ever a year not to go out shopping for Mother's Day gifts, it's this one. Instead, I offer you this tealight holder tutorial, so you can make one with your Cricut, just a few pieces of paper from your craft stash, and a free SVG file courtesy of Dreaming Tree!
It's okay, neither did I. I gotchu.
Know what that lovely, white, moderately see-through paper on the petals of the daffodils is? PARCHMENT PAPER FROM MY KITCHEN DRAWER. I was trying to figure out what might be a good on-hand kind of substitute, so I thought I'd give it a try. It worked!
I have some generic parchment paper variety from Sam's Club, but I imagine they are all mostly the same, with the exception of perhaps Reynolds parchment paper, which (I think) has it's name written all over it. So maybe try some wax paper if I'm right about the Reynolds writing...
In the end, I think the parchment paper had just enough translucency that the candle flame really showed through well. I left this picture kind of dim so you could see the soft glow. Don't you think your Mom would like this softly lit, handmade, paper tealight holder next to a nice warm bubble bath?
YES. On behalf of Mom's everywhere, the answer is yes.
The answer to this question is also apparently "yes". 🙂
The setting I used to get a successful cut from my Cricut, was the dot between "iron-on" and "light cardstock". I used the blue light-tack Cricut mat (a relatively new one, so it was pretty sticky), and it cut like a charm.
Okay, the first few settings were a hot effing mess, but THIS setting worked like a charm, so use this one. 🙂
The SVG file for this paper tealight holder is a FREEBIE from Dreaming Tree. On the resources tab of this blog, you will see a square with links to my favorite SVG sites, of which Dreaming Tree is one. Here is a link to the file.
The file link is an affiliate link...an affiliate link to a free file, so you can do the math on that one. BUT, it's a great introduction to Dreaming Tree if you aren't already a fan. They haven't been around for very long, just a few years, but they've been cranking out quite the body of work. My first few projects of theirs were freebie files, and then I got some of the more complicated files once I was comfortable. I posted a picture of my Dreaming Tree bunny from last Easter just a few days ago. It was pretty advanced, but I worked my way up to it, and you can too!
Finally, I would just like to offer that this paper tealight holder is a great beginner Cricut project. It LOOKS impressively complex, but it's really just a few pieces, and basically 2 boxes. It went together easily and quickly and I think it's just lovely.
I have a full video tutorial below, but here are the basic steps for construction:
I learned a couple of things during the construction of this project:
1. Even a small amount of glue will make your parchment paper look all wiggly and weird. This is okay. Once the covering panel is down, you can't tell at all.
2. Work quickly with super thin lines of glue so it doesn't squish out onto your thin panels, and so the glue you applied at the top of your panel isn't dry by the time you're done applying to the bottom of the panel.
Main piece paper is Cricut paper in teal-green
Patterned paper for side panels, as well as the green paper used for the base: Natalie Maran Little Terrace pack from Cricut
Cricut light green paper used for leaf panels instead of vellum: Light green from the pastel pearl paper sample pack
Favorite glue, and papercraft recommendations are on my blog resources page here!
And finally, a link to the video tutorial!
For this post, I teamed up with some fellow bloggers. Why not go check out some other creative Mother's Day gift ideas?
Cupcake Liner Carnations - Manda Panda Projects
4-in-1 Mother's Day Gift - Thirty Minute Maker
Gifts Mom Will Love - Victori's Creations
How to Make a Mother's Day Card on Cricut - Pocket Wonders
This is lovely! I never would have thought of using parchment paper!! I've bookmarked Dreaming Tree to check out as well 🙂
Thank you! There's a lot of great stuff in there. I hope you enjoy!
Where I find to get download? I cant"t find it. Help me!
Thank you